Wednesday 20 August 2008

Mp3 music: Fairyland


Artist: Fairyland: mp3 download


Metal: Power


Fairyland's discography:

Of Wars In Osyrhia

 Of Wars In Osyrhia

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 11
Of Wars In Osyrhia

 Of Wars In Osyrhia

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 3

Clearly candidates for the "most un-metallic heavy metallic element band identify always conceived" competition, France's Fairyland particularize in larger-than-life, fantasy-laced, keyboard-driven, Italy's Rhapsody and Germany's Avantasia, among others. First conceived of in 1998 by multi-instrumentalist Willdric Lievin, Fairyland step by step accumulated collaborators Anthony Parker (guitar) and Philippe Giordana (keyboards) in the side by side few years, merely only got around to transcription their debut disc album, Of Wars in Osyrhia, in 2003 -- when they attained the services of Spanish singer Elisa C. Martin, then currently in transition between her early band Dark Moor and her side by side project, Dreamker. Fairyland have yet to record once more since her loss.

Sunday 10 August 2008

Renal Cell Carcinoma

� - Metastatic nephritic cell carcinoma was once considered to be a disease without significant therapeutic leads. Intravenous administration of interleukin-2 was until latterly the solely FDA approved treatment for metastatic nephritic cell carcinoma. Interleukin-2 at best results in lasting complete responses in less than 10% of patients.

Considerable toxicity is encountered with this regimen, including fluid keeping, renal inadequacy, and hypotension. An alternate standard of care, subcutaneously administered interferon-alpha, produces fewer durable responses with slope effects including fatigue, low, and cytopenia. There was clearly an unmet medical need for more in force and less toxic treatments for metastatic renal cellular telephone carcinoma.

A better apprehension of the molecular changes responsible for the development of nephritic cell carcinoma has lede to a new therapeutic target: angiogenesis. The identification of the deletion or silencing of the Von Hippel Landau protein in and its role in the ascendence of angiogenesis through HIF (Hypoxia Inducible Factor has led to clinical trials which value drugs targeted to this pathway.

There are 3 ligands and receptors of the VEGF class, homo and heterodimerization can lead to different biological personal effects including hemangiogenesis, angiogenesis, and lymphangiogenesis. Of the 3 ligands in the VEGF class, the one most important to cancer prison cell angiogenesis is VEGF A. This ligand binds to the VEGF-2 receptor. There are multiple ways in which this target commode be inhibited. Antibodies can prevent the binding of the VEGF-A ligand to the sense organ. Drugs which work by this mechanism include bevacuzimab. The signal cascade of the VEGF a receptor can be blocked by tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Two drugs in this class include sorafanib and sunitinib.

Motzer et al evaluated the multitargeted receptor kinase receptor inhibitor sunitinib in patients with metastatic pass cell carcinoma. Both sunitinib targets the kinase activity of the both vascular endothelial emergence factor receptor B and platelet derived growth factor A add up of 750 patients were randomized to receive sunitinib 50 mg orally daily for 4 weeks with a 2 week break, or interferon, starting at 3 MU TIW.

The primary termination of his study was progression free survival, with secondary endpoints including overall survival reply rate and toxicity.. Stratification factors included serum LDH, ECOG performance status, as well as presence or absence of a nephrectomy. The majority of the patients entered in this study were good to intermediate risk of exposure. When evaluated by a central recapitulation, 31% of patients toughened with sunitinib and 6% of patients treated with interferon demonstrated a reaction.

The medial progression free survival utilizing the results from this independent reassessment was 11 months vs 5 months. This handling effect was observed for all MSKCC risk factors including prior nephrectomy, ECOG performance position, LDH, haemoglobin and corrected calcium. Significant differences in toxicities included neutropenia (11/1) and lymphocytopenia in the interferon arm. Fatigue was also greater in the interferon arm. Grade 3 or 4 diarrhea (5%), hypertension (8%), and hand-foot syndrome (5%) were at a significantly higher charge per unit in the sunitinib weapon than the interferon weapon. Using the functional assessment of cancer therapy-general (FACT-G) score, character of life parameters were also significantly better in the sunitinib arm compared to the interferon arm.

The average overall survival has yet to be reached for both groups. An update of this data presented at ASCO 2008 demonstrated a superior survival for sunitinib when compared to interferon alpha.
The PTEN/AKT pathway controls a variety of cellular functions, including angiogenesis, cell proliferation, gluconeogesis and apoptosis. One of the downstream elements of PTEN pathway is mTOR which acts as a detector for metabolism. mTOR tin control protein synthesis, be considered as a maestro switch for metabolism, proteins involved in transcription, translation and cell cycle control. Hudes et al studied CCI 779, an inhibitor of the final common pathway of ATK, mTor, in a 3 armed randomized test where this drug was compared to interferon or the compounding of CCI 779 and interferon. In contrast to the Motzer study, where patients were predominately good or intermediate risk, patients were requisite at ledger entry to hold 3 or more poor risk features as outlined by the Motzer criteria. Patients standard interferon 3 times per week, escalating to a total dose of 18 MU. TEMS 25 mg IV weekly, and Temsr combined with interferon at 6 MU. As expected the primary side effect of interferon was asthenia, with 27% of patients demonstrating form 3 or 4 toxicity. The overall improvement in median survival of the single agent was 3.6 months, an an improved time to progression 1.8 months. Other mTOR inhibitors demonstrated call in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. RAD001 demonstrated an improved survival compared to best supportive care in patients wHO failed a previous tyrosine kinase inhibitor.

Presented by: Daniel P. Petrylak, MD, at the Masters in Urology Meeting - July 31, 2008 - August 2, 2008, Elbow Beach Resort, Bermuda

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Tuesday 1 July 2008

Heather Locklear Checks into Morose Place

Heather Locklear's checked herself into a psychological treatment facility in Arizona.

The actress' rep tells PEOPLE "Heather has been dealing with anxiety and depression. She requested an in-depth evaluation of her medication and entered into a medical facility for proper diagnosis and treatment."

As TMZ first reported, Heather's doctor called 911 back in March, concerned that she was suicidal.

See Also

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Barack Obama vs. the Internet rumor machine


Rumors have always traveled fast, but when it comes to politics, the whispering campaigns and defamatory leaflets of yesteryear don't hold a candle to the button that beats them all.

"Forward": the marvelous technology that allows truths and untruths alike to be propagated widely, instantly, and at no cost to the sender.

Thanks to Forward-thinking citizens, the online rumors are flying in this campaign like no campaign season before. Dozens and even hundreds of different e-mail chain letters -- most targeting Sen. Barack Obama -- are being circulated in the Internet's muggy back channels, where context suffers and falsehoods flourish. Add in the parts of the political blogosphere that survive on speculation and unsourced hearsay, and you have a petri dish capable of growing such vivid rumors that the best of them actually make it into the mouths of the Washington press corps -- without so much as a factoid to back them up.

At, the urban legends clearinghouse run by a couple in the San Fernando Valley, Barack Obama's page has 18 entries, only one of which Snopes determined to be true. Of the rest, Snopes rated 11 false, four partly true and two undetermined. The same pattern holds true at, a project of the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly. In its "Chain Emails" section, 21 of the 25 e-mails they've reviewed are marked "Barely True," "False" or "Pants on Fire." Of those, 2 out of 3 were aimed at Obama, and the remainder at Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Why Obama is such a magnet for outlandish Web allegations, while Clinton and especially Sen. John McCain have gotten off easier, invites some tricky questions. No one I talked to for this story wanted to say that the candidate's race, an area that can bring out all kinds of rumor-fueling fears and resentments, is the primary factor. And maybe it isn't: The number of Americans online has grown plenty since 2004, and astronomically since 2000 -- there are a lot more great-aunts sending around e-mail petitions in big, colorful fonts. The Internet is now without a doubt the most effective rumor mill mankind has ever devised. But it's hard to ignore that the rumors about Obama tend to have something to do with his being black.

A glance at the Obama-related canards reveals that they mostly fall into three categories, which sometimes overlap: race, religion and patriotism. Part of the odd nature of Internet rumors which holds true here is that even after they've been debunked in multiple places and for some time, they continue to make the rounds.

Bill Adair, PolitiFact's editor, likened the chain e-mails to virus-like "organisms," calling them "a resilient form of communication that resists scrutiny" and is essentially unfiltered.

"It's not like Hotmail is going to say, 'Well, were not going to deliver that message because it's wrong,' " Adair said. "That message is going to get through, and it's going to be up to the reader to determine if it's true or not."

Obama's campaign has set up a rumor-busting task force that maintains a Web page at, to address some of these stubborn allegations. One section, entitled "Obama Is Not and Has Never Been a Muslim," collates several articles from national media outlets, including two from The Times, that weigh against the claim. Another section, "Obama Is a Patriot Who Loves His Flag and His Country," has an even larger collection of supporting excerpts.

When asked about the churn of questionable rumors, Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor was not shy about noting that "disinformation campaigns are the hallmark of some of the most vicious campaigns on the Republican side. It's not something that's new to this campaign, but it maybe be getting particular attention this round.

"It's frankly disconcerting when the press corps start asking about rumors that have no basis in fact," he added, "but it's something that we realized early on would be a problem."

Last week one such dubious story made the rounds online -- but this time it was the blogosphere that was cultivating it. Larry Johnson, a former CIA employee and national security analyst, wrote several times on his NoQuarter blog about the existence of a videotape that purportedly showed Michelle Obama using the word "whitey."

But, as Reason Magazine's David Weigel pointed out in multiple critiques of Johnson's information, Johnson had no direct evidence of the video. He had not seen actually seen it, he wrote, but rather had "heard from five separate sources who have spoken directly with people who have seen the tape."

As Weigel told me over the phone, in the world of professional journalism, "No one who didn't want to just get fired would source a story like that."

Weigel also noted in his post that Johnson's account of the tape's key details -- where it took place and which famous personages were in it -- changed over the course of several days, but Johnson's insistence on the tape's existence did not. (I couldn't reach Johnson for a comment.)

Still, the rumor made its way onto more than a few blogs, most of which were conservative. And on June 3, Democratic pundit Bob Beckel alluded to the tape on FOX News, again as hearsay and without naming sources. The videotape of the Beckel segment was passed around in various incarnations on YouTube, adding to the speculation but not the evidence. Finally, a McClatchy reporter asked Obama for his thoughts on the rumor.

"We have seen this before," Obama replied, according to's Ben Smith. "There is dirt and lies that are circulated in e-mails, and they pump them out long enough until finally you, a mainstream reporter, asks me about it.

"That gives legs to the story," Obama said.

And that's precisely the dilemma in reporting on rumors. As Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center's, explained: "The problem is that if the mainstream media address" a particular rumor, "they run the risk that they're actually going to reinforce it. "

Obamanation On the other hand, she said, in a medium such as e-mail that's largely hidden from public view and for which "there isn't any natural way to make a rebuttal, a whole lot of people are potentially exposed to information that's untrue, and they don't have any way of knowing it."

Jamieson and PolitiFact's Adair agreed that peoples' tendency to buy into forwarded information depends largely on who sent it.

"When you get the e-mail from a friend of yours, you're more likely to believe it than if you get it from a stranger." Only problem with that, Jamieson said, is that, if you consider its origin, "the stuff you're getting from a friend is from a stranger."

This is a campaign in which candidates have been all over YouTube, MySpace and Facebook, and the Web's connective power has awakened a generation of youthful voters. It figures then that e-mail � one of the Internet's oldest technologies � is also the one that's moving the political conversation backwards instead of forward.

Top Photo: Kamil Krzaczynski / European Pressphoto Agency

See Also

Friday 6 June 2008

Sugababe's boyfriend attacked with machete

Sugababes star Amelle Berrabah's boyfriend is recovering in hospital following a machete attack which left his arm partially severed.
Freddie Fuller, 25, sustained serious arm and leg injuries in the attack in Aldershot which took place at around 9:15pm on Christmas Eve.
According to reports, 23-year-old Berrabah and tree surgeon Fuller had been out visiting bars in the town with her sisters when the attack took place.
It was feared Fuller might lose an arm following the attack however, following a six-hour operation, doctors at Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey managed to save the limb.
Police investigating the attack said yesterday they had arrested a 28-year-old man from Aldershot on suspicion of attempted murder.
Berrabah, who is the most recent member of the Sugababes, described the incident as "horrific".
Speaking to the Daily Mirror, she said: "It was horrific - like a nightmare but worse because it was real. How one person can do that to another I don't know. I couldn't stop myself screaming. I haven't slept since it happened - I've been so worried."
The Sugababes are due to appear at a New Year's Eve show in London's O2 arena on Monday night.

Thursday 29 May 2008

Rush - Fascinating Fact 5378

Rockers RUSH have donated $100,000 (GBP50,000) from the sale of tickets to a recent Winnipeg, Canada concert to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in the city.

See Also

Sunday 18 May 2008

Hux Flux

Hux Flux   
Artist: Hux Flux

Trance: Psychedelic


Division by zero   
 Division by zero

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 9

Cryptic Crunch   
 Cryptic Crunch

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 9


Ivan Ferreiro